Big deal!Xindi Bonded Logistics Center closed operation!

时间:2019-05-06 01:54:00.0 Number of reads: 6575 Author: Xinji Bonded Logistics Park

Xinji Bonded Logistics Center has made new progress!

This morning, Xindi Bonded Logistics Center held a grand customs clearance ceremony for the first ticket of customs operation。With a batch of 55.71吨、78.$970,000 worth of exported wool products were transported to bonded warehouses,Xinji Bonded Logistics Center (Type B) officially closed operation。

The Xinji Bonded Logistics Center project is a key provincial project. After the closure and operation, it not only facilitates Xinji enterprises to handle import and export procedures, improve efficiency and save funds, but also plays a significant role in promoting the import and export of foreign trade in the surrounding counties and cities of Xinji。It is expected that the turnover of goods will reach 1 million tons in 2019, the use of 50,000 containers, and the total import and export volume will reach 10 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 50 billion yuan in 2023。

Zhengding Customs Commissioner Di Yanbo, deputy Commissioner Zhang Hongyu, city leaders Di Yi, Wang Xiankun, Jiang Baokang, Wang Tieren, Fan Yuzhu, Qiao Zichao, Niu Junbo, Li Shengfa attended the customs clearance ceremony。Vice Mayor Niu Junbo presided over the ceremony。

Mayor Wang Xiankun delivered a speechIt is said that the sealing operation of Xindi bonded logistics Center is a great and happy event in the economic development history of Xindi.It provides a broad stage for Xinji to further expand foreign exchanges and cooperation and build a logistics hub of the four seas, which will greatly enhance the openness and investment attraction of Xinji and its surrounding counties and cities.To build a more solid and powerful new platform for Xinji to actively integrate into the national "Belt and Road" initiative, better implement the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and help the construction of Xiongan New Area。

Wang Xiankun asked,Xindi bonded logistics center should take the closing camp as an opportunity,Relying on the preferential policies given by the state, extensive trade network, unique platform advantages,Target high-end industries and top enterprises at home and abroad,Attract more strength, brand, market competitiveness of enterprises to settle in,To build a logistics center, e-commerce center and business service center based in Hebei, radiating Beijing and Tianjin, serving the whole country and connecting the world。

Wang Xiankun askedDepartments at all levels should focus on the development and actual needs of Xinji Bonded logistics Center and settled enterprises, be a good "nanny" for enterprise development, and provide the simplest, fastest, best quality and most efficient "one-stop" service。I hope that the leaders of the customs can continue to provide support, help and guidance to our city,Continue to make Xindi bonded logistics Center bigger and stronger, and accelerate the development of Xindi's economy and society to achieve high quality。

Di Yanbo saidZhengding Customs will actively integrate into the overall situation of local foreign trade development, strengthen supervision, optimize services, and ensure rapid customs clearance for enterprises including enterprises in Xindi Bonded Logistics Center (Type B).Provide strong support for all parties to deeply participate in the "Belt and Road" construction, quickly integrate into the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, undertake economic and industrial transfer, and promote regional development, and strive to be a "booster" for the development of local foreign trade economy.。

Di Yi, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, announced: "Xindui Bonded Logistics Center (Type B) officially closed and operated。”

Leaders present at the meeting witnessed the first cargo clearance

The leaders and guests who participated in the ceremony jointly witnessed the customs clearance and warehousing of the first ticket goods, and went to the customs clearance hall and other places to investigate the customs clearance business。The first customs clearance of the goods from Xiniji Baolong wool Textile Co., LTD., all wool knitted fabrics, weight 55.71 tons, value 78.$970,000。

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